Painting pARTy was conceived during a burst of enthusiastic and excited conversation (and a little wine) on New Year’s Eve 2015. My friend in Florida USA, April sent me a photo of a class she was taking and I was so impressed! Knowing her for so many years, I asked her why she had never told me of her amazing artistic ability and she quickly explained the class to me... then immediately had 2 thoughts;
Still working full–time as an EO for an organisation that delivered events in FNQ for secondary students on career choices, my own career pathway was getting a renewed wake-up call, and as they say it’s never too late to make a change. I resigned in March 2016 and in June I was officially unemployed and fiercely revelling in the ENTREPRENEURIAL BUG!
In February 2017 we opened the doors to the first Regional Studio bringing a fresh new option for entertainment and fun in Far North Queensland and in 2019 I added a fully MOBILE experience so we can set up at your home or workplace.
My own art story is likely to be fairly typical of those of us who just love to paint, draw, colour-in, craft and use creativity to ease the stressor of life. I have always had a vision that somehow this will be my way of retiring and giving back to our community. Creativity through the arts is my favourite place to be.
Portrait of Dad
At 7 years old I won my first school fete art competition at Rainworth State School in Brisbane. I can still remember the presentation at the school fete and being awarded the of prizes of flavoured smelly strawberry and banana erasers and more colouring books than I could imagine and these were mine! What a prize! This was my first sense of personal success. In high school, I always like the projects and assignments that included pictorial elements and received my best grades in these endeavours.
At 15 my world changed dramatically when my dad passed away after a short and aggressive illness with cancer. These years are a little hazy for me, but my sisters tell me that I came out of that time of grief after drawing a portrait of my dad. It was years later that I remembered this and put it all together. So, apart from school, sleep and eating with the family and such, I stayed in my room for about a year until I came out with the drawing you see here.
This was my first experience of self-taught art therapy and is part of my personal healing process today. Art leads me to a space that helps me understand the world around me and within me. It has helped me understand the loss of my mum, my dad, my brother, my marriage and then my ex-husband and has helped me celebrate love, life, my animals, joy, fun, a love of learning, and my children.
My aim is that all that have the Painting pARTy experience enjoy connecting…painting...and sipping to music with your friends, your colleagues or your family for whatever reason that is yours.
“Creativity is just intelligence having fun”
Albert Einstein